Straight Cable Joints


Premium Range – All Kits Supplied Complete With Range Taking Mechanical Connectors

  • Birkett straight cable joints provide the largest and most versatile shells available on the market, manufactured from a combination of high impact thermoforming rigid PVC and precision injected moulded polycarbonate
  • Designed to enable crossover core cable jointing using Birkett mechanical connectors on all plastic cables, waveform and PILCSTA (paper insulated lead covered steel taped armoured cables
  • Transparent shells that allow extra working area and insulation in accordance to our design and test documentation held
  • Supplied as complete kits including all necessary components to make off a cable joint, including joint shell, Birkett Swishpak® 2 part resin compound, earth bonding set and core connectors
  • The Premium range of straight cable joints are supplied with range taking mechanical connectors capable of jointing dissimilar metal conductors
  • Insulated shear bolt connectors tested to IEC 61238-1 are supplied on 95mm² kits and above (S95 – S400).
  • Supplied with the Birkett premium earth continuity kit tested to screen short circuit requirements of BS EN 50393
  • Mixing of a high performance 2 part polurethane resin in a transparent, totally enclosed extremely safe handling single Swishpak®
  • Tested for safe use by the Health and Safety Executive. All traces of hardener are eliminated after mixing ensuring that the Swishpak® can be disposed of as non-hazardous waste

All premium straight kits are supplied with 4 range taking mechanical connectors and insulation shroud

Straight Cable Joint Selection Chart

As standard all straight kits are supplied with mechanical connectors to suit the maximum 4 core cable configuration.

* Denotes that the kit will accommodate the cable size shown but the cable size must be advised when ordering to ensure correct connectors are supplied.

S95 – S300 will accept one service cable from 1.5mm² to 35mm². S400 will accept two service cables.

Nominal area
of conductor (mm²)
1 Core2 Core3 Core4 Core5 Core
10mm²S6 *S6 *S10S10S16C5-10
16mm²S6 *S10S16S16S35C5
25mm²S6 *S16 *S25S25S35C5
35mm²S6 *S25 *S35S35S50C5-35
50mm²S10 *S35 *S35 *S50S95C5-50
70mm²S16 *S50 *S50 *S95S120C5-70
95mm²S25 *S95S95S95S185C5-95
120mm²S35 *S95 *S120S120S300C5-120
150mm²S35 *S120 *S185S185S400C5-150
185mm²S35 *S120 *S185S185S400C5-185
240mm²S95 *S185 *S300S300S400C5-240
300mm²S95 *S185 *S300S300S400C5-300
400mm²S95 *S300 *S300 *S400S400C5-400


Straight Cable Joint Dimensions

Kit ReferenceMaximum Core Size (mm²)Maximum Cable Diameter (mm)External Length (mm)External Width (mm)
S66 x 5 Core2719545
S1010 x 5 Core3321061
S1616 x 5 Core3922671
S2525 x 5 Core3925671
S3535 x 5 Core3932580
S5050 x 5 Core4840090
S9595 x 4 Core45575165
S120120 x 4 Core53630190
S185185 x 4 Core62735210
S300300 x 4 Core73885235
S400400 x 4 Core80960295